This site aims to provide information for taxpayers and to share stories and tips for dealing with the Canada Revenue Agency.
I hope you will find some of the issues raised interesting and please feel free to provide comments or email me your stories!

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Happy Holidays!

I hope everyone is having a lovely holiday and enjoying time with their families. I thought it would be a good time to get this blog up and running and see if I can get people interested in sharing their stories and thoughts on our tax system. I am hoping that by encouraging taxpayers to communicate with each other we can all learn tax problems are nothing to be ashamed of and unfortunately they happen to most of us at some point in our lives. Often people just need to know they are not alone and that is exactly what I am hoping this blog will help people to realize.

If you have a story or problem you would prefer to discuss in private, please feel free to contact me directly at natalie@troublewithtaxes.com or 1-866-813-4410.

Happy Holidays!
